Monday, November 2, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

RSM California Reception

Updating to come. And all of you who were not there. MISSED OUT

Friday, August 21, 2009

Kassi's Visit to New Jersey

Day 1
On our way to Niketown in NYC, can't resist taking pictures with these fools.

Day 2
We went to Wicked with John, Jordan, Rach, Kassi, and Chase. It was pretty wicked!


Jordan and Rach.... no, he's just faking it
Waiting for the show to start.

Convincing (forcing) John to take a picture with me... always a difficult thing

Chase seriously considering jumping across the water to the other platform.

Gorge Washington Bridge

Day 3 Longbranch Beach, played volleyball, later played some tennis. mmm
Day 4
Thunder Storms, cool running trails, and Birthdays

APX Head-tech Cole's B-Day Dinner.