Monday, November 17, 2008

Halloween---a bit over due

I have some halloween pictures that I've been meaning to post, but just haven't gotten around to it. So here you go...
John and I combined our group of friends ...we BOOGIED all night long.. so much fun!
Chante, Kassi, Me, and Jessica

Kent, Darin, and John as Obama's body guards...ha ha

John, aka MR. KUPPER...

The Indian and the Mime

We started out at a huge stake activity on campus, I was starving and all they had to eat were doughnuts and candy... but you could only eat the doughnut if you entered the dang contest... so ... I did, I almost won, but the last piece of my doughnut fell on the ground. Later I found people handing out free doughnuts!! By that time I was over it.

This was the first time John and I really danced together besides disco skating.
My future man has got to dance.... John passed the test with flying colors, we had a blast!

John and Kent doing what attractive men do best... attracting women! ha ha

Jess, Chante, and Kass
Notice the crazy bunny on the left... ahhh

Go Kassi Go Kassi Go! ha ha She sings to any song she knows, I love it!

I found my long lost friend Sarah Lacy! She was a pretty flower.

Scary Indian


Perry Family said...

looks like fun!!!!!!!!!!

Kaerlig said...

Sweet costume Julie. Where did you find it?

I am a little surprised that this is the first time you've been dancing with John. Glad he passed.

Kassi looks so different. amazing what white and black paint can do to you. She looks a little like a kiss rocker. She and Gabe could go together.