I decided to darken my hair. I wanted to get it done professionally, but it would have been $75.00 which I don't have... so I bought some Loreal hair dye on sale at Smiths for $6.00. Saving me a wauping $69.00!
So this is me before....
This is me after.
I actually cut my own hair as well!
I know that was a little risky, but I was feeling a little impatient to go get that done in a salon as well, so trimmed the length, and then added some layers! It's not perfect but I feel pretty good about it. Plus my boyfriend John really likes it, and his opinion is the one I care about... so thats good.
I also cut John's hair which went from long and shaggy to his usual short yet lucious hair. He liked it, so I guess I passed the test!
Julie - you look HOT! Seriously, that's a great color. I'm always so nervous to pick the color by myself - but you did an awesome job! :)
I love the dark. It looks so pretty!
I definitely like the dark on you Julie. Very nice.
cute hair!! makes your eyes pop!
YES!!! You went DARK! You knoowwwww I love it!!
I love love love the hair. I think it looks super pretty and really brings out your eyes. okay, I will text you the info on my classes. I would love for you to come. I think you'd really like it. It's more intense than the hip hop (I think) I mean I am more sweaty during Zumba than any other class. It's nuts.
My text won't go through. So here it is. I teach Mon nights at 9th east in provo at 8pm and wed nights at 8th north in orem at 8:15pm. I teach thursday mornings at 10:30 at 8th north and Friday's at 10:30 at University gym. I also teach in spanish fork but I doubt you are around there very often. Come dance!!
You look gorgeous! I love that color on you.
Now we look like sisters:)
Hi, Julie!
This is Abby, Meredith's little sister. You probably remember me because I'm Parker's sister, too!
I like the new look! You look awesome!
I think I like you hair best like this! Even though you look great with it lighter...it's fun to change it up :)
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